Our Story


MISSION (what we do)

The FUMC of Wallingford, as a vessel of God, exists to help experience and to channel God’s unconditional, unfailing love onto lives of our friends and neighbors.

– John 13:34-35

            ves·sel /ˈvesəl/

            noun    a hollow container, especially one used to hold liquid, such as a bowl or cask.

A vessel is strong and sturdy to hold liquid, so that it may pour out for others to drink. At the heart of our mission is the answer to a proverbial question: Is the glass half empty or half full? Traditionally, the pessimist answers that it is half empty and the optimist half full. But our answer is "Yes!" We see ourselves both half full and half empty. We need to recognize our emptiness that we are not perfect and still in a dire of need Jesus Christ, who is the source of the living water. At the same time, we have our gifts, talents, skills, and resources that can be used to impact others. This is our fullness. If we acknowledge our emptiness and fullness, our needs can be met through God and others' needs through our service to them. 

VISION (how we do)


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We believe our first and primary purpose is to encounter God and exalt God through worship. True worship channels the love and grace of God and leads us to a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ by surrendering ourselves to God. In worship, we remember who we are and whose we are. We are loved by God and we love God. Worship can happen outside the church and other days of the week. It can be while you are getting ready in the morning, doing your laundry, or talking to someone for we are called to worship God in every sphere of life.



We believe that Bible-based, Spirit-led Christian education for all ages is foundational to living a life in Jesus Christ. We want to dedicate our minds to knowing God and understanding clearly and truly about God. We want to grow in the knowledge of God and devote mental efforts to obey all that Christ has commanded us to do.



The New Testament word for fellowship, koinonia, means to be together for mutual benefit. Fellowship brings us together, gives us a sense of identity and belonginess, and unites us as one family. We need to share the joy of partaking in God’s ministry together not only by working and serving but also by resting and enjoying each other’s presence. Fellowship gives us an opportunity to be restored and recharged.



A health church will pour what it contains to the world: God’s love for every one of us. Personal salvation must be expressed in ministry and mission in the world. For Wesley, there was no religion but social religion, no holiness but social holiness. In other words, faith always includes a social dimension. One cannot be a solitary Christian. By serving others, we have not only the form of religion but also the power of religion. We value expressing the gospel by meeting needs of the world in a manner that is grace based, culturally relevant, Spirit led, and evident to our community.